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Register To Vote
The Constitution of Virginia requires that you be a registered in the precinct in which you live in order to be qualified to vote. You do not register by party in Virginia.
In order to register to vote you must:
Be a United States citizen and a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Be at least 18 years old, or be 17 years old with an impending 18th birthday that will occur on or before a November general election.
Have had your voting rights restored if you have ever been convicted of a felony.
Have had your capacity restored if you have been declared mentally incapacitated in a Circuit Court.
You must complete and submit a Voter Registration application online, in person at the Office of Elections, or by mail. Click here to print a paper application in English. Click here to print a paper application in Spanish.
Register to Vote With a Virginia State Agency
Citizens may also register to vote at the following Virginia state agency entities:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Departments of Health
Game and Inland Fisheries
Mental Health
Military recruitment offices
Rehabilitative Services
Rights of Virginians with Disabilities Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Social Services Department
Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Visually Handicapped
The deadline to register to vote in-person and by mail is 5:00 PM on February 14th. You can register online on February 14th until 11:59 PM.
Update Your Voter Registration
Did you move or have you changed your name?
You may update your information (name, address) online, in person at the Office of Elections, or by mail by completing a new voter registration application.
Cancel Your Voter Registration
You may cancel your voter registration by printing this form and submitting it to the Richmond City Office of Elections, either by mail, email, fax, or in person.
Voter Drive Information
You or your organization may conduct a voter registration drive at public locations within the community. Our office will be happy to advise you in planning a successful drive and answering any questions you might have. All individuals or organizations requesting twenty-five (25) or more voter registration applications must register and complete certified training provided by the Department of Elections.
Restoration of Rights
Anyone convicted of a felony in Virginia automatically loses their civil rights – the right to vote, serve on a jury, run for office, become a public notary, and carry a firearm. The Constitution of Virginia gives the Governor the sole discretion to restore civil rights, not including firearm rights. Individuals seeking restoration of their civil rights are encouraged to contact the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Office.
To be eligible for restoration of civil rights, an individual must be free from any term of incarceration resulting from felony convictions. The Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office works with the Department of Corrections to identify individuals who have been released and may be eligible to have their rights restored.
If you have questions, or if you would like to check to see if your civil rights have been restored, please contact the Secretary of the Commonwealth at the following website (, or you can call the office at (804) 692-0104.
Military and Overseas Voters
Active duty uniformed-service (and qualifying spouse and dependents) and overseas citizens are legally allowed to receive their absentee ballots by mail or by email. You can find more information by clicking here.