Check out the RVAgreen 2050 planning process website to learn more about opportunities to participate!
Want to do more now? See the tips and resources below to be more sustainable and resilient at home, at work, and in your community.
The actions you and your family take at home can make a difference and help RVAgreen 2050 create an equitable, healthy, resilient community!
Buildings & Energy
Learn about income- and age-qualifying home weatherization programs from Viridiant and Project:HOMES.
Save on lighting with energy efficient bulbs - LEDs and compact fluorescents (CFLs) are cheaper to light and they last a lot longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.
Control phantom loads - appliances and electronics that use energy when powered off but still plugged in.
Install a programmable thermostat.
Get rid of extra refrigerators or freezers that constantly draw electricity.
Turn off electronic devices and powerstrips when not in use.
Set your hot water heater thermostat no higher than 120°F and insulate the hot water tank.
Purchase Energy Star rated high-efficiency appliances and products.
The city offers partial abatement of real estate taxes for qualifying rehabilitated or replacement structures.
Provide environmentally friendly heat for household water and heating with solar.
Learn about income- and age-qualifying home weatherization.
Consider installing solar on your home:
Learn more about solar options for your home (click on the "Solar" tab at the top of the page)
Learn about solar financing options and incentives for your home (click on the "Solar" tab at the top of the page)
Use this free Low-Income Internet Guide to learn about cost-effective internet options and how to qualify for assistance programs.
Transportation & Mobility
Ride public transit with GRTC - the new GRTC Pulse bus rapid transit system is up and running!
Use your GRTC Unlimited Ride Pass to receive discounts at participating merchants.
Earn rewards with RideFinders when you walk, bike, carpool, or take transit.
Learn about the City of Richmond’s Vision Zero Plan for safe and equitable mobility.
Read Richmond’s multi-modal transportation plan, Richmond Connects.
Determine if an electric vehicle is right for you and check out these resources from Dominion Energy Virginia:
Find electric vehicle charging stations by entering your destination here using this map from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center
- Look for Federal incentives on alternative fuel vehicles here and check here for Virginia specific information. All information provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center
Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Recycle! The best way to reduce waste is to not create it in the first place. The next time you are offered disposable utensils, food or drink containers, or bags while eating out or shopping, say, “no thanks!” and bring your own reusable items!
Shop at Farmer’s Markets - you’ll support local farmers, eat seasonal which is healthier for you and the environment.
Compost at home to reduce waste and produce rich soil for your home garden.
Drink clean, great tasting city tap water to cut down on plastic waste and save money.
Reuse leftover materials and support upcycling by shopping at local flea markets.
Donate clothes to your local thrift store or a charitable organization.
Buy clothes and home goods second-hand! Learn about the environmental and social impact of a single cotton t-shirt.
Environment & Climate Resilience
Learn about RVA H2O, a City of Richmond program designed to reduce pollution, decrease flooding, and keep our waters fishable and swimmable.
Receive a stormwater credit by installing control measures such as a rain garden, vegetated filtered strips or stormwater storage.
Reduce the amount of water you use at home:
Look for the WaterSense logo to use water saving devices like low-flow water fixtures, faucets and toilets.
Consider planting trees on your property to enhance the urban tree canopy.
See how much hotter your hometown is than when you were born.
Do a climate check to find your home's risk from climate change.
Find your home's flood risk.
The actions you, co-workers and your employer take can make a difference and help RVAgreen 2050 create an equitable, healthy, and resilient community!
Find jobs in alternative energy, sustainability and the green economy
Certify your business, hotel, restaurant, or event with Virginia Green
Buildings & Energy
Move information technology systems to the cloud to reduce energy consumption and save money
Adopt a policy to turn off computers and monitors at the end of the work day
Learn about solar options for your business (click on the "Solar" tab at the top of the page)
Learn about solar financing options and incentives for your business (click on the "Solar" tab at the top of the page)
Transportation & Mobility
Take advantage of city incentive programs for expanding or relocating businesses
The city offers partial abatement of real estate taxes for qualifying rehabilitated or replacement structures
- Look for Federal incentives on alternative fuel vehicles here and check here for Virginia specific information. All information provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center
Check out Virginia Clean Cities resources to support fleet electrification and other alternative fuel vehicles. VCC is a non-profit partnering with James Madison University, to support the deployment of alternative fuel vehicles and infrastructure, education programs, and other petroleum reduction activities
Properly recycle all your electronic waste through the CVWMA's e-waste recycling programs
Buy products from the Recycled Products Cooperative
Buy and use recycled office supplies from Green Earth Office Supply
Print double-sided and use recycled content paper and environmentally-friendly inks
Environment & Climate Resilience
Read about small business resilience to the effects of climate change
Receive a stormwater credit by installing control measures such as a rain garden, vegetated filtered strips or stormwater storage
Encourage your neighbors, friends and civic associations to do their part to help RVAgreen 2050 create an equitable, healthy, and resilient community!
Buildings & Energy
Support neighborhood revitalization through adaptive reuse and sustainable renovations of existing buildings
Educate neighbors about energy efficiency: invite speakers from utilities or nonprofits to share resources available to the community to help reduce energy use
Learn about solar opportunities in your community (click on the "Solar" tab at the top of the page)
Coordinate to bulk purchase products and services such as solar panels and energy audits: you may get a discount if a large number of homes in one community negotiate a deal
Transportation & Mobility
Use public transit to travel locally- the new GRTC Pulse is up and running!
Join Bike Walk RVA and help advocate for a bike friendly Richmond
Join a biking club or participate in a biking event with Richmond Area Bicycling Association
Get involved with Richmond Road Runners for running, walking and hiking events
Support community gardens by getting involved with Richmond Grows Gardens
Keep our air clean by limiting idling when your vehicle is stopped for an extended period of time
Please don’t litter! Most litter ends up in our streams, waterways and the James River
Use Storm Drain Markers to keep trash and waste out of storm drains and our local waterways
Join the Richmond Regional Pet Waste Campaign and keep pet waste out of our local waterways
Volunteer with RVA Clean Sweep to help clean up our community
Volunteer to clean up a local park through the James River Park System
Hold a clothes swap – a fun way to recycle clothes and pick-up “new to you” items
Environment & Climate Resilience
Adopt a tree to help replenish and sustain the city's urban forest
Be a good neighbor: check on elderly or vulnerable neighbors during extreme weather