900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA
Hours: Mon - Fri (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
Phone No. 804-646-6430
Email: Ask Public Works
Bridge Division
What we Do
- Bridge routine maintenance/repair
- Guardrail and safety repairs/replacement
- Bridge inspection (Fed. CFR 650 req.)
- Overload permitting and structure
- Review and maintenance (Parking decks, retaining walls, slope stability)
- Claims investigations

Asset Management/GIS
The Asset Management (AM) Team in Public Works maintains all the cartographic layers for all the physical features (roads, bridges, base map etc.) and all City owned transportation and other assets (traffic signs, signals etc.). The City of Richmond has enterprise architecture and the AM Team in Public Works functions in that centralized framework for data storage and dissemination. Public Works uses a GIS centric workflow asset management system -Cityworks' which is maintained and implemented by the AM Team. The AM Team provides GIS and Cityworks' technical and program support for all Engineering and Operations divisions of the department, as well as The Office of the Mayor, City Council, and various other City Departments.
For more information on the Asset Management Team please call the DPW main number.