Contact Us

900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA

Hours: Mon - Fri (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Phone No. 804-646-6430

Email: Ask Public Works

Transportation Engineering Division

Our Division is responsible for promoting the safe movement of people who walk, bike, ride transit or drive throughout the cross walkcity. This is accomplished through effective transportation planning and data analysis, active transportation management, and construction of public travel ways that are designed using the Complete Streets process.

Our mission also requires partnerships with the community, non-profits, and involved local, state, and federal agencies. Quarterly, the Department meets to coordinate and collaborate with our safety partners at the Safe and Healthy Streets Commission. Together we can make a difference on our neighborhood and community streets.

Our Division maintains and operates over 475 intersections with traffic signals and determines placement and usage of regulatory and warning signage, (such as stop, yield, and speed limit signs), as well as street name signs. Residents and Idlewood Roundaboutmotorists can help by reporting problems with traffic signal equipment or signs to the City's Customer Care Center at 3-1-1 or on-line at RVA311

Our Division works with citizens, developers, and contractors to assist in planning of new subdivisions, location of driveways, and design of road improvements, as well as working jointly with communities to develop solutions to transportation safety issues.

Click here to learn more about our Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons and how to use them.

Our Division promotes transportation safety in a manner that supports neighborhood/business area livability and viability. The neighborhood traffic calming program seeks to reduce the negative impacts of traffic in neighborhoods by managing traffic speeds in place. Working with the Richmond Police Department, the Richmond Fire Department, and the community is critical to achieving a balanced approach between education, enforcement, emergency response, and engineering when addressing concerns, The City has an active traffic calming program â€“ pedestrian safety curb extensions, neighborhood traffic calming circles, speed tables, splitters, and raised crosswalks are the more common calming techniques promoted in the City.

Our Division has a comprehensive pedestrian safety program. To promote pedestrian safety, a variety of Cross Walk Signmeasures are used including:

  • High visibility crosswalks at signalized intersections;
  • Accessible ramps for all users;
  • Pedestrian crossing times adequate for all users; and
  • Pedestrian countdown signals and



Raised Crosswalk        traffic calming circle     Traffic Splitter         Speed Table                                                                                                                                                           

The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP) represents a commitment by the Department of Public Works (Department) with its parnters to promote and maintain the safety and livability of the City's neighborhoods. Speeding and unsafe driving practices have become an increasing concern for many of the City's residents as well as for the government agencies responsible for promoting public safety. The Department receives more than 1,000 requests every year.

The City is committed to improving the safety of the roadway network using various strategies found in the Vision Zero Action Plan including speed management. The Vision Zero goal is to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on City streets by 2030, while increasing safe, healthy, and equitable access for all. Vision Zero starts with the ethical belief that everyone has the right to move sagely within the transportation system and that designers and policymakers share the responsibility of ensuring safe systems.


Click here to view the NTMP Report

Our Division is responsible for the installation, maintenance and operations of over 475 intersections with traffic signals, 50 school zone flashers, hazard identification beacons and 37 closed circuit TV cameras. We have a traffic operations center to manage traffic signal timings and respond to planned events.

Control Center
Control Center
Traffic Signal
Traffic Signal


Click Here to view below application in full screen



Our Division is responsible for the installation of bicycle infrastructure such as shared use paths, protected or separated bike lanes, buffered bike lanes, shared lane markings (sharrows), bike share stations, and bike racks.  Check out our Bike/Walk/Ride page for additional information.

               Bicycle Cycle Track                                Manchester Bridge Bike Lane

Q: I need a hauling, moving or oversized load permit.  How do I apply for one?

A: The Division handles oversized or overweight load permits.  Completed  application for hauling permit form  (click on for link) can be emailed to:

Permits will be emailed back to the email address provided by the applicant.

Completed applications may be printed and sent with your payment of $25 to the following address:

      Department of Public Works
      900 East Broad Street, Room 600
      Richmond, VA 23219     

Q: I would like to close a street to hold a special event.  What do I need to do?
A: Richmond Police Department handles the street closing requests. Call (804) 646-1343 for more information.

Stop for Pedestrian In-Street Sign

Installations at 55 High Incident Locations Across the City

Part of Vision Zero plans to improve roadway safety for people who walk ~


Image - Stop for Pedestrian Installation

The sign installations are part of the City’s third phase of systemic pedestrian safety improvements. The installations on one-way streets Image - State Law Sign - Stop for Pedestrianswill complement a new double white centerline lane striping pattern. These new markings are intended to reduce the likelihood of motorists changing lanes on the approach to these intersections where vehicles are stopped and pedestrians may be crossing the street.

The in-street signs create a concrete visual to educate, bring awareness to pedestrian safety and draw attention to the need to stop for pedestrians. Additionally, they provide motorists with a warning and regulatory function and reflect the recent change in Virginia state law requiring motorists to stop for pedestrians in all crosswalks on streets with a posted speed limit of 35MPH and below. Combined with another recent state law which increases the penalties for drivers who injure people who walk or bike on city streets, city planners and engineers encourage a citywide cultural shift to foster a person-centered approach to mobility.  This shift includes stopping for people crossing the street.

Additional roadway safety initiatives in this phase include marking crosswalks at more than 150 intersections, installing new crosswalks, corner clearance markings, installing larger stop signs, and Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons.  Much of the $1.54 million in funding for this phase was secured with our partners at the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration through grants received from the Highway Safety Improvement Program with minimal funding incurred by the city.  

Over the past several years, DPW has invested $5.8 million of funding into pedestrian safety improvements at over 450 signalized intersections through high visibility crosswalks, accessible ramps, signal timings, and pedestrian countdown signals with an additional $2.9 million in safety improvements nearly ready for deployment

Citywide Speed Management Program
Speed Tables and Raised Crosswalks Planned

NOTE: To be completed in conjunction with the paving program scheduled for calendar year 2023.  All dates are TBD pending weather, utilities and contractor availability.

Street From To
1st Ave Front St Burns St
21st St Franklin Grace St
21st St Newbourne Selden
21st St Selden CL
22nd  St U St T St
23rd  St Cedar St Jessamine St
23rd St W St V St
24th St W St X St
28th St Tate St Newbourne St
29th St Y St Tate St
2nd Ave Burns St Pollock St
32nd St Forest Hill Ave Beattie St
33rd St Moody St Beattie St
34th St Forest Hill Ave Beattie St
36th St Peyton Ave McRand St
36th St Decatur St Stockton St
37th St M St P St
3rd Ave Burns St Pollock St
Accommodation St Gay St Coalter St
Admiral Graverly Williamsburg Rd Government Rd
Albermarle Ave Patterson Ave Gove Ave
Allen St Amelia St Appomattox St
Antrim Ave Cutshaw Ave W. Grace St
Barlen Dr Warwick Rd Swanson Rd
Broad St * Chimborazo Blvd 33rd St
Bunting Ave Kensington Ave Stuart Ave
Carolina St Highland St Byron St
Castlewood Road Alexander Ave Lamberts Ave
Cedar Grove Rd Oldham Rd Twin Valley Rd
Cedar Grove Rd Merrimac Rd Garfield Rd
Circlewood Dr/Green Acres Ave ** Midlothian Tpke Hull St
Claremont Ave Monticello St Hermitage Rd
Clay St Hancock St Goshen St
Coalter St 18th St Littlepage St
Colorado Ave Randolph St Meade St
Colorado Ave Sumpter St S Lombardy St
Commonwealth Ave Cutshaw Ave Alley to the South of
Creighton Rd Nine Mile Road Walcott Pl
Crutchfield St Roanoke St Westover Hills Blvd
Crutchfield St Roanoke St Bland St
Decatur St Swansboro Ln Playn Rd
Delaware St Milton  St Pollock St
Dinwiddie Ave Richmond Hwy 21st St
Dock St 20th St 21st St
Dock St 24th St 25th St
Dove St Richmond Henrico Turnpike Lamb Ave
Dover Rd Oxford Circle E Oxford Circle W
Duryea Dr Old Gun Rd Cadosia Rd
Duryea Dr Espilon Rd Merrigan Rd
Evansway Ln Hobby Hill Rd Westgate Dr
Evansway Ln Ragsdale Rd Klondike Rd
Evelyn Byrd Rd Prince Arthur Rd Prince Edward Rd
Everett St E 5th St E 6th St
Fairfax Ave 21st St 20th St
Fairfield Ave 25th 26th St
Fairfield Ave Kane St I-64
Floyd Ave Sheppard St Colonial Ave
Forest Lawn Dr Cheatwood Ave Dead End
Garfield Rd Cedar Grove Rd Garden Rd
Grayland Ave Allen Ave Randolph St
Green Acress Ave Near Rice Rd.  
Grove Ave * At N. Sheppard St  
Halesworth Rd N Hugenot Rd Sherbrook Rd
Halifax Ave Mason St 22nd St
Hamilton St Hanover Ave Stuart Ave
Hamilton St Stuart Are Kensington Ave
Hampton Rd Pennsylvania Ave New York Ave
Hampton St Dakota Ave Nevada Ave
Hanover Ave Bunting Ave Westmoreland St
Hanover Ave Shields Ave Rowland Ave
Hathaway Rd Montauk Dr Shawnee Rd
Hawthorne Ave Wickham St W Graham Rd
Hawthorne Ave Bookland Park Blvd The Northen terminus of Dupont Circle.
Hickory Rd Waxford Old Holly Rd
Hickory Rd Elm Rd Rustic Rd
Holly Springs Rd Hopkins Rd Broad Rock Blvd
Hunt Ave Woodson Ave Branch Ave
Ingram Ave 21st St 22nd St
Joplin Rd Harwood St 17th St
Kaki Dr Binns Ave Warwick Rd
Kenmore Rd Chippenham Pkwy Marilea Rd
Kensington Bunting Ave Westmoreland St
Keswick Ave 21st St Harwood St
Kinsley Ave Sunbury Road Catalina Dr
Ladies Mile Road Branch Ave Delmont St
Lafayette St Stuart Ave Hanover Ave
Lafayette St Cutshaw Ave Alley to the South of
Lakeview Ave Stafford Ave Addison St
Lenard Pkwy W Bunting Ave Westmoreland St
Lexington Rd Grove Ave Cary Street Rd
M St 27th St 28th St
Maple Ave Cary Street Grove Ave
Maple Ave York Rd Lowry St
Marshall St Hancock St Goshen St
Maury St 15th St Blackwell ES
Maury St Blackwell ES 12th St
McDowell Rd Winter Rd Windcroft RD
Minefee St Chambers St Hardwood St
Moore St * At Roseneath Road  
N 21st St Q St R St
N 22nd St Q St R St
N 29th St V St Nine Mile Rd
N 29th St Tate St Purcell St
North Ave Ladies Mile Rd Culppeper St
Northumberland Ave Overbrook Rd Edgehill Rd
O St 29th St 30th St
Oakhurst Lane Thorndale Lane Westower Dr
Oakwood Ave R St S   St
Old Brook Rd Forest Lawn Dr Westbrook Ave
Old Gun Rd Huguenot Rd Rams Vw Rd
Old Midlothian Rd Near the entrance to the mobile Towne Mobile Home Park.  
Parkwood Ave Shields Ave Rowland St
Pepper Ave Patterson Ave Three Chopt Rd
Phaup St Rosetta St N 26th St
Phaup St 25th St Rossetta
Phaup St 19th St N 20th St
Pittaway Dr Wainfleet Dr Rosewell Ct
Pompey Springs Rd Hopkins Rd Lauradale Ln
Powell Rd Troy Rd Limestone Dr
Red Oak Ln Woodhaven Dr Shelby Dr
Richmond - Henrico Tpke Pollock St Hazelhurst Ave
Richmond - Henrico Tpke Craigie Ave Gladstone Ave
Richmond - Henrico Tpke * App. 1000' north of Valley Rd.  
Richmond - Henrico Tpke * At Vale St  