Contact Us

900 E. Broad Street
Richmond, VA
23219 USA

Hours: Mon - Fri (8 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Phone No. 804-646-6430

Email: Ask Public Works

Ask Public Works

DPW is often asked questions about our services. People want details about what we do, why we do it, how we do it. In Ask Public Works we’re responding via short, informational videos.

Take a look and, if you have a question email it to


Ask Public Works Videos

DPW's Paving Process

When You See a Malfunctioning Traffic Light


How to Get a Traffic Signal Installed

Alley Trees Maintenance


Sidewalk Prioritization



Why leaves are singed during paving



Why it takes so long to repair or replace sidewalks



Why some sidewalk projects are capital improvements, while others are maintenance



Are there different types of potholes and do they require different types of repairs

Pothole Repairs During Cold Weather