Fire Station #12 Replacement

Project Summary and Scope

Fire Station #12 is the City's oldest operating station located at 2223 W. Cary Street.  The project will entail the demolition of the existing station and construct a new fire station on the site.  The project will include two bays for fire equipment and one bay for an administrative vehicle.  In addition to the normal station amenities, such as, a dayroom and fitness room, it will include individual sleeping quarters and private restroom/shower facilities for staff.  Also included will be a community room for planned community activities and meetings.  This project will be at minimum LEED Silver certified.

Currently an architectural engineering firm has been contracted to prepare design documents and construction administration services.  A Value Engineering study/report will be incorporated in the project via a third party firm, in addition to project commissioning services.

Project Milestones

Schematic design approval and a preliminary cost estimate was done January 11, 2021 and a cost estimate was updated on March 10, 2021.  Design development documents were submitted on February 23, 2021.  Submittal took place on June 24, 2021 to DPU Water Resources Division of the civil design documents. Final presentation for approval to the UDC is scheduled for July 8, 2021 and followed by the Planning Commission meeting on July 19, 2021.  Approval by UDC and the Planning Commission has been achieved. Plans were submitted for plan review and approval on September 10, 2021.  Value Engineering has been completed and the recommendations were sent to City Council.  The initial Invitation for Bids solicitation of the project was posted on February 28, 2022 with bids due on April 5, 2022.  However, the Invitation for Bids solicitation has been re-posted for advertisement and bids were received on July 7, 2022.  Approval of additional funding for the project took place at the City Council meeting held on September 26, 2022.  The contract award is currently underway to the lowest, responsible bidder.  On November 21, 2022, Procurement notified the Fire department that approval of the construction contract has been completed.  The contractor has mobilized and the asbestos abatement activities are complete. Demolition of the building has been completed and demolition of the foundation complete.  Foundations have been installed.  Structural steel has been erected.  Masonry and brick veneer is well underway. Structural steel has been installed on all floor levels. The third floor slabs have been installed. The building is has been roofed.  Interior HVAC, electrical and plumbing are ongoing. The building is dried-in. 

Project Funding

The project will be funded from Capital Improvement Project funds.  To date funding has been allocated in the amount of $2,950,000.00 for the design and other pre-construction activity expenses.  The FY22 appropriation will add $6,350,000.00 totaling $9,300,000.00, however an additional $4 million was added, by Council action, to the project for a new total of $13,300,000.00 as the project budget to date.  A construction cost estimate of 8.7 million has been established.

Project Status Updates

Meetings to develop the schematic design have taken place.  Additional meetings to develop mechanical, electrical and plumbing criteria for LEED were also performed.  A community meeting was coordinated for public introduction and comments was held on January 26, 2021.  The public received the project very well and was enthusiastic about the project development.  Final summary of the LEED development took place on June 28, 2021.  A meeting to discuss the arts to be incorporated into the project was scheduled for June 30, 2021 and included the chair of the Public arts Commission.  The PAC will be preparing a Request for Quotations (RFQ) for artist submission.  Advertising the RFQ for the Public Arts is projected to took place in December 2021.  The artisit has been selected and the contract has been delayed for several months in the City Attorney's office.  The Invitation for Bids solicitation of the project was re-posted on April 29, 2022  Bids were due on July 7, 2022.  The staff at Fire Station #12 have relocated to another station as of April 1, 2022 until the construction project is completed.  Verizon and Comcast have removed cables, wires and Dominion Energy will be relocating the pole from the construction area.  The required Special Inspections meeting was conducted on January 27, 2023. A Notice to Proceed has been established for February 20, 2023.  The contractor has completed the footers/foundations for the building.  Submittals and determination of Furniture Fixtures &Equipment (FF&E) items are constantly being reviewed/addressed.  Coordination with the City vendors (wiring, cameras, security, etc...) is ongoing to obtain purchase orders.  Underground plumbing rough-ins have been installed.  Structural steel is being installed and masonry construction on the walls are ongoing.  Masonry construction on the mezzaine and 2nd floor are ongoing.  Floor slabs are being poured.  Art work installation at the Station via PAC assistance is being worked out with the contractor.  Commissioning services are being performed.  Masonry on the thrid floor is continuing. Exterior insulation and brick veneer is ongoing.  Brick veneer is completed on one side of the building and approx. 3/4 completed on another.  3rd floor slabs are poured.  The building is roofed and roof top equipment has been installed.  Meetings to finalize the installation criteria and sequence of the art have been held with the artist team and the City's Art Commission. The stairs have been installed.  Walls (metal studs) on the floors are being erected. The building is has been roofed with exception of the canotpy.  Interior HVAC, electrical and plumbing are ongoing. The elevator has been installed.  The generator and oil/water separator are installed.  The exterior stairs are being installed.  The ATS is delayed and could cause further schedule impacts.  Due to the failure of DPU being provided the original  plans for their review that were approved by PDR, several modifications to the installed site uitlities are now required.  This is causing a delay in the completion as well.The exterior masonry is complete. Interior finishes are ongoing.  Permanent power has been requested of Dominion Energy.  Four-fold doors have been installed, but waiting on power to make any adjustments.

Permit, information is listed below. For details please call the Department of Planning, Development and Review at 804-646-4169.

All permits ave been approved.

Expenses (costs are reported quarterly)

A total of $9,355,497.00 has been spent to date.

Project Contact Information, if you have questions about this project please contact this individual.

For information about the details of any project first contact the public information office for the department running the project.  For most projects the following people can help:

Project Overall Status (Active, Pending or Complete)


Ordinance Information

Ord. No. 2019-18 Value Engineering Studies

Resolution No 2008-R152--2009-14 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

Contract Information

Moseley Architects have been contracted for design and CA services.

J.W. Enochs, Inc. has been contracted for the construction.