Commerce Road Improvements

Project Summary and Scope

Commerce Road improvements from Bells Road to Bellemeade Road.  Bells Road East Connector and Deepwater Terminal Connector roads are being improved as well.


The project scope is to improve safety, accessibility, drainage, multimodal transportation and aesthetics through the corridor.

Provide improved business entrances

Improve both connector roads under I-95 (Bells Road East Connector and Deepwater Terminal Connector) to provide three lanes, add curb and gutter and improve drainage while maintaining or increasing vertical clearance.

Replace the bridge over Goode’s Creek (#127-8073, sufficiency index = 49.9)

Install a center raised median (with trees) and painted turn lanes into adjacent businesses.

Installation of curb and gutter on both sides of Commerce.

Install sidewalks

Install street trees along the west side and in the raised median

Reconfigure the intersection of Commerce Road and Bellemeade Road

Add a bike lane to connect the City’s Bike Route from Bells Road down Commerce Road and then under I-95 at the Bells Road Connector road terminating the railroad tracks to the east of I95.

CPC Action Summary 6.16.2014

Commerce UDC application FINAL 050814

Geotechnical Study:“Commerce+Road+Improvements+Geotechnical+Section+Report+12-23-14”

Programmatic Categorical Exclusion: “ PCE.15958”

EQ-121 Form: “Commerce EQ-121 Signed”

Design Contract and Memos: Original Contract: “Signed Contract”

Contract Memo 1:

Project Milestones

Complete Right of Way acquisition – November 2018  [Complete]

Complete Construction plans – July 2019 [Complete]

Advertise for Construction (Rebid) – February 16, 2023 [Complete]

Begin Construction – November 1, 2023

Complete Construction – November 30, 2025

Project Funding

$17,710,405 – Federally funded. Award #’s: 500263/500264/500265, Project #: 100691

Project Status Updates

Project is under construction.

Permit, information is listed below. For details please call the Department of Planning, Development and Review at 804-646-4169.

Environmental permit Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) – see link.  Work in Streets Permit (WISP) to be finalized once the final plans are approved.

Expenses (costs are reported quarterly)

$ 1,780,974

Project Contact Information, if you have questions about this project please contact this individual.

Performance Measures and Benchmarks

Plan Design and Utility Relocations are on-time and within budget.

Project Overall Status (Active, Pending or Complete)


Ordinance Information

Necessity to Acquire Right of Way Ordinance:|Text|&Search=2016-027

Contract Information…