Contact Us About Redistricting

Richmond City Council encourages, invites, and requests interested Richmond residents to share their questions, comments, data, alternate redistricting plans, suggestions, etc. via the Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting email address:

Redistricting logo above image of Richmond city skyline and the James River

2022 redistricting nee map 7.29.2022

2021/2022 Redistricting of

New Richmond Voter Districts Completed

(Note: Elected persons and existing Richmond Voter Districts remain in place until subsequent elections are held. Use of New Richmond Voter Districts begin with first election following establishment.)


Following the release of the 2020 U. S. Census data in the fall of 2021, Richmond City Council embarked upon an eight month 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting public community process, which ran November 2021 through June 2022. This process was completed as of June 27, 2022.

Redistricting was needed for drawing updated boundaries of the city’s nine Richmond Voter Districts in order to equalize population in each district to reflect population shifts over time, as required by the U.S. Constitution and the Virginia Constitution.


New Richmond Voter District Maps 

Click for link:

(Note: Elected persons and existing Richmond Voter Districts remain in place until subsequent elections are held. Use of New Richmond Voter Districts begin with first election following establishment.)


    Richmond Adjusted Population

    • The Richmond population number used by Richmond City Council for the 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process included the 2022 U. S. Census Population of 226,610 (provided 9.2021), which was adjusted by the Virginia General Assembly Division of Legislative Services, per Virginia Code of Laws § 24.2-314, et seq., to include the incarcerated population (1,891 added) - for a total Adjusted Richmond population of 228,501. 

    Previous Richmond Voter Districts

    • The previous Richmond Voter Districts established in 2011/2012, were based on the 2010 U. S. Census population of 204,214.

    Richmond City Council planned and carried out an extensive community redistricting process designed to maximize public information, engagement, and transparency. This process included multiple public information and engagement meetings, drawing sessions, and public hearings.

    Redistricting Analysis Table Criteria too


    Maps: Richmond Voter Districts

    See, interact, and download maps of the Richmond Voter District boundary changes and find additional information here:


    Decorative graphic of a generic map.

    Use of New Richmond Voter Districts

    • Use of New Richmond Voter Districts begin with first election following establishment.

    Elected persons and voter districts remain in place

    • Elected persons and existing Richmond Voter Districts remain in place until subsequent elections are held.

    Community engagement and transparency        

    • On behalf of Richmond residents, Richmond City Council planned and carried out an extensive community redistricting process designed to maximize public information, engagement, and transparency. This process included multiple public information and engagement meetings, drawing sessions, and public hearings.

    • The process was guided by federal and state law requirements and public redistricting criteria adopted in December 2021.

    Plan creation

    • This comprehensive undertaking resulted in Richmond City Council proposing a community-driven redistricting plan, for which it invited 49 days of additional public comment, which exceeded and surpassed a 30-days period required by Virginia law. On May 23, 2022, Richmond City Council adopted the following three ordinances:

    1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-132: Amending the Richmond Code of Laws (Ordinances) so as to adjust the Richmond Voter District boundaries 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.…

    1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-133:  Repealing a provision of the Richmond Code of Laws (Ordinances) to eliminate one voting precinct (Precinct 203), and amending the Richmond City Code of Laws by adding provisions that described new election precinct boundaries.…

    1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-134: Amending and reordaining the Richmond Code of Laws (Ordinances) by removing the polling place for abolished Precinct 203 and establishing new polling places for new Precincts 216, 311, 611, and 70

    Adopted plan public notice and effective date

    • Public notice of the adopted plan was given on May 25, 2022 in accordance with the Virginia Voter Rights Act, that the new Richmond Voter Districts, new precincts, and new polling places would be effective as law - 30 days following publication of notice, the ordinances, and the maps of the new districts. In addition, Council also posted notice in the Richmond Times Dispatch, which ran May 27, 2022.

    • In order to further maximize transparency, the later date and most inclusive amount of days were utilized (again exceeding and surpassing time period), for determining and establishing the effective date of the new Richmond Voter Districts, of June 27, 2022.

      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      Use of Richmond Voter Districts

      • Richmond is arranged into nine geographic/demographic Richmond Voter Districts, which are used to elect nine Richmond residents to serve as members of Richmond City Council; nine to serve on the Richmond City Public Schools Board of Trustees (a state function/entity separate from city government); and, a Mayor (“at-large”), who must receive a majority of votes in five of the nine.

      Richmond City Council

      • Richmond City Council is the governing legislative institution of Richmond, Virginia in the United States of America and represents residents in creating and amending local laws; providing government policy and oversight; levying local taxes; and, establishing an annual Richmond Government Budget.

      For information regarding voting, polling places, registering to vote, etc., please visit the Virginia Board of Elections – Richmond Office of Elections/Registrar website, at



      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      25 May 2022


                        Richmond City Council approved new Richmond Voter Districts on Monday, May 23, 2022 during its Formal meeting. Council’s approval represent the successful culmination of months of public participation, engagement, meetings, and input. (|&Search=)

      Please find the following public notice regarding:


      Following the release of 2020 Census, the City of Richmond began the process of redrawing boundaries of its nine (9) voting districts to equalize population in each district as required by the United States Constitution and the Virginia Constitution.  The City Council redrew the districts guided by the requirements of federal and state law, as well as the redistricting criteria adopted by the City Council in December 2021. Following a series of public hearings and public map-drawing sessions designed to maximize public input, the Richmond City Council proposed a final redistricting plan for the voting districts and invited public comment for a period of 49 days, in excess of the 30-day time period for public comment required by Virginia law. On May 23, 2022, the Richmond City Council adopted the following three ordinances:

      1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-132: Amending the City Code so as to adjust the boundaries for City Council and School Board Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.|Text|&Search=2022-132

      1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-133:  

      Repealing a provision of the City Code to eliminate one voting precinct (Precinct 203), and amending the City Code by adding provisions that described new election precinct boundaries.

      1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-134: Amending and reordaining the City Code by removing the polling place for abolished Precinct 203 and establishing new polling places for new Precincts 216, 311, 611, and 70

      Under Virginia law, the texts of these ordinances are available here:

      1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-132: Amending the City Code so as to adjust the boundaries for City Council and School Board Districts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7.|Text|&Search=2022-132

      1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-133:  

      Repealing a provision of the City Code to eliminate one voting precinct (Precinct 203), and amending the City Code by adding provisions that described new election precinct boundaries.

      1. Richmond City Council Ordinance No. 2022-134: Amending and reordaining the City Code by removing the polling place for abolished Precinct 203 and establishing new polling places for new Precincts 216, 311, 611, and 70

      Maps of the proposed boundary changes and other relevant materials are available here:

      NOTICE is hereby given that the new voting districts, new precincts and new polling places will be effective as law thirty (30) days following publication of this Notice, the ordinances and the maps of new districts.


      Redistricting underway

      Richmond’s very public Richmond City Council – Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process began in early October 2021 and will include nearly two dozen public meetings and discussions, public hearings, engagement sessions.

      The Richmond City Council - Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process commenced on December 21, 2021, during the public Richmond City Council Special Meeting, with the adoption of Richmond City Council Resolution # 2021-R084, a resolution for establishing criteria and a timeline to assist in guiding its public 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process and plan creation for reapportioning and redistricting the local Richmond Voter Districts. The Richmond Voter Districts are to be reapportioned in 2022.


      You are invited to participate

      Richmond City Council continues to be committed to ensuring the 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process and plan are clearly defined, transparent, inclusive, and equitable and are driven by and responsive to providing opportunity for public engagement, involvement, inclusion, discussion, awareness, feedback, deliberation, comment, and input on behalf of Richmond residents.

      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      Outreach, Engagement and Participation

      Richmond residents are invited and encouraged to participate and be engaged and involved in public outreach meetings and share their comments, thoughts, and/or ideas regarding the 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process and any proposed plan or plans.

      The Richmond redistricting process includes three information sessions, three map drawing sessions, extensive comment periods, and public hearings; and is considered one of the most transparent, extensive, and public local government Redistricting efforts.


      Redistricting Schedule

      The schedule includes public transparency links to all past meetings, (which include details, videos, attachments, minutes, etc. for those who may have missed a meeting, are keen for additional information, or would like to review a meeting again) and upcoming meetings for public involvement, engagement, awareness, and input.


      • Wednesday, February 9, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.

      Public drawing of Richmond Voter District Map Options|&Search=

      • Thursday, February 10, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.

           Public drawing of Richmond Voter District Map Options


      • Friday, February 11, 2022; Noon-2:00 p.m.

           Public drawing of Richmond Voter District Map Options


      • Monday, February 14, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.

           Richmond City Council Formal Meeting


      • Wednesday, February 23, 2022; 3:30-5:00 p.m. (additional meeting added 2.17.2022)     

      Richmond City Council Special Meeting - Redistricting…

      At the conclusion of the Redistricting Special meeting held on 2.23.2022, a map referred to as 2A was discussed and requested by Councilmembers. After the meeting, it was determined the proposed map did not meet the deviance percentage to balance the voter district. As a result adjustments were made to the proposed map to balance it, however it was slightly different than that discussed at the public meeting. President Newbille requested that Map 2A be placed on the agenda for discussion and decision in a public meeting by all members of Council.


      • Monday, February 28, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.

           Richmond City Council Formal Meeting


           Council redistricting information and engagement


      • Tuesday, March 1, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m. (not a meeting/moved to 3.8.2022 on 3.7.2022)

                30 Day Public Comment Period on draft Redistricting plan/plans begins


      • Monday, March 7, 2022; 5:00-6:30 p.m. (additional meeting added 3.2.2022/Updated 3.4.2022)

      Richmond City Council Special Meeting|&Search=

      Introduction of a draft redistricting plan/s for public comment/Update

                  redistricting schedule. The meeting was held to introduce two resolutions related

      to redistricting under expedited consideration. The meeting also included a review of proposed Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting Demonstration Map 2C (

      Draft Demonstration Map 2C was presented and selected for public comment. (Note: This is not a final map/plan and is for continued public comments and engagement - Council Introduction of final redistricting plan is anticipated to occur on Monday, April 25, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.)


      • Tuesday, March 8, 2022 (not a meeting)

      30 Day (actually 49 day) Public Comment Period on draft Redistricting Plan begins (Note: This is not a final map/plan and is for continued public comments and engagement.)


      • Monday, April 11, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.

           Richmond City Council Formal Meeting


           Council Redistricting information and engagement (public comment/engagement continues).


      • Monday, April 25, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.

           Richmond City Council Formal Meeting


           Final day for public comment on draft plan

           (49 days of public comment [Note: 19 additional days/more than 30]).

           Introduction of final redistricting plan.


      • Monday, May 23, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m. (updated 3.7.2022)

           Richmond City Council Formal Meeting


           Final public hearing and adoption of final redistricting plan. Council (City) Clerk

           publishes notice of final redistricting plan.


      • Wednesday, June 22, 2022 (not a meeting)

                Redistricting plan/New Voter District map takes effect

      (NOTE: Prior date for plan taking effect was 5.26.2022 and was extended further on 3.7.2022 to provide even more public input.)


                Working schedule subject to additions and updates.

      • NOTE: Redistricting discussions may also take place in other public meetings. Meetings are subject to updates.

      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      Check out Demonstration Maps!

      Public drawing of Richmond Voter District Map Options:   

      Demonstration Map/s and Shape Files

      Sessions Held


      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      Help get the word out about Redistricting

      Please find the following Redistricting posters, flyers, and handouts for sharing, printing, posting, etc. Thank you for your help and involvement with this process!

      Small preview image of Redistricting Schedule in English Small preview image of Redistricting Schedule in Spanish

      Redistricting Meeting Schedule - Poster @ 11" x 17"     
      English     Spanish

      Redistricting Meeting Schedule - Flyer @ 8.5" x 11"     
      English     Spanish

      Redistricting Meeting Schedule - Social Media Graphic @ 1920x1080px     
      English     Spanish


      Direct links to Information & Engagement Meeting Videos!


      Monday, February 14, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.
      Richmond City Council Formal Meeting
      Adoption of amendments to Council Res. No. 2021-R084 (revised redistricting schedule)

      Council Redistricting Information and Engagement Meeting # 1

      originally held January 20, 2022; 6:00-8:00 p.m.


      Council Redistricting Information and Engagement Meeting # 2

      originally held January 21, 2022; Noon-2:00 p.m.


      Council Redistricting Information and Engagement Meeting # 3

      originally held January 27, 2022; 5:00-6:30 p.m.

      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      About Redistricting

      Every 10 years (Decennially), following the release of the decennial census by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, voter districts across the nation are updated (reapportioned and redistricted) to reflect population shifts and changes in over that time in order to provide equality of representation on behalf of residents when participating in general, primary, and/or special governmental elections.


      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      Richmond chose public process and inclusion

      Localities in Virginia have two state options for performing their reapportionment this time. Richmond City Council using the one that provides more public input, discussion, awareness, engagement, feedback, deliberations, comment, inclusion, and opportunity on behalf of Richmond residents. Reapportioned Richmond Voter Districts will be established in 2022.


      How Richmond Voter Districts are used

      To operate our local government services, our city is divided into nine geographic/demographic Richmond Voter Districts. We, as Richmond residents, use these to elect individual local members of Richmond City Council, Richmond Public Schools Board of Trustees, and a Mayor (who must earn the most votes in five of the nine Richmond Voter Districts).


      Richmond Redistricting

      State law requires Richmond City Council to reapportion/redistrict the local Richmond Voter Districts boundaries every 10 year based on U.S. Census data. This is known as the Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process. The updated Richmond Voter Districts are to be established in 2022.


      Decorative graphic of a generic map.

      2021-2022 Richmond Redistricting Population

      Richmond Redistricting Population: 228,501

      • Richmond’s population numbers were adjusted to comply with Virginia law.

      • The adjusted Richmond population numbers were updated to respond to recently amended state law regarding redistricting performed 2021 onward - in that population numbers used for reapportionment and redistricting are to reflect persons incarcerated in federal prisons and in state and local correctional facilities, including city jails - and reassign them to their pre-incarceration home residence.

      • The adjusted population numbers to be used for Richmond Redistricting map drawing will be 228,501, up from current U.S. Census numbers of 226,610.

      • Total 2021-2022 Richmond Redistricting Population: 228,501

      Includes U.S. Bureau of the Census - 2020 U.S. Census Richmond population (226,610), as adjusted by the Virginia General Assembly Division of Legislative Services (increase of 1,891) for a total population for reapportionment and redistricting of 228,501.

      • The adjusted population for Redistricting, which are dispersed throughout the city, adds 1,891 persons to Census numbers.

      • Because there are nine local Richmond Voter Districts, dividing the adjusted Richmond Redistricting Population of 228,501 by nine to find the average or “ideal” number of persons living in each District results in 25,389 per District.

      • Variances/deviations of no greater than 5 percent above or below the “ideal” population per District, are generally acceptable.

      The adjusted Redistricting population numbers include Census numbers and persons who were incarcerated in Virginia and provided Richmond as their home address, as adjusted by the Virginia General Assembly Division of Legislative Services pursuant to the Virginia Code of Laws § 24.2-314, et seq.).


      Four Richmond Voter Districts have changes beyond 5% variance/deviation

      With the adjusted population numbers, the city now has four (up from a previous three) Richmond Voter Districts whose numbers are outside a five percent variance/deviation of what represents an “ideal” number of 25,389 persons living in them (which is the total population divided by nine Richmond Voter Districts). These include:

      • Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District

      Adjusted Richmond Redistricting population makes the Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District over the “ideal” population (of 25,389) by +1,871 residents, with a variance of +7.37% (Previous variance, using just U. S. Census population, was +8.02 %). This means the Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District would need to move at least an estimated 614 people out of that district to be within +5% variance.

      • Richmond Northside 3rd Voter District

      Adjusted Richmond Redistricting population makes the Richmond Northside 3rd Voter District under the “ideal” population (of 25,389) by -2,794 residents, with a variance of -11.00% (Previous variance, using just U. S. Census population, was -11.69%). This means the Richmond Northside 3rd Voter District would need to move at least an estimated 1537 people into of that district to be within -5% variance.

      • Richmond Gateway 6th Voter District

      Adjusted Richmond Redistricting population makes the Richmond Gateway 6th Voter District over the “ideal” population (of 25,389) by +1,439 residents, with a variance of +5.67% (Previous variance, using just U. S. Census population, was +6.96%). This means the Richmond Gateway 6th Voter District would need to move at least an estimated 182 people out of that district to be within +5% variance.

      • Richmond East End 7th Voter District

      Adjusted Richmond Redistricting population makes the Richmond East End 7th Voter District over the “ideal population (of 25,389) by +1,294 residents, with a variance of +5.10% (Previous variance, using just U. S. Census population, was +4.29%). This means the Richmond East End 7th Voter District would need to move at least an estimated 37 people out of that district to be within +5% variance.


      Map of Richmond North Central 2nd Voter District as of 2012-2021Map of Richmond Northside 3rd Voter District as of 2012-2021Map of Richmond Gateway 6th Voter District as of 2012-2021   


      Note: Click each district map to view a larger version.


      2021-2022 Richmond City Council Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting

      Benchmark Analysis Table & Criteria

      Redistricting Analysis Table long 2.23.2022

      2021-2022 Richmond Redistricting Population Demographics

      (ncesservices block level export from Maptitude)

        Decorative graphic of a generic map.

        Public Input, Meetings, and Schedule

        Richmond City Council is committed to ensuring its redistricting process is clearly defined, transparent, inclusive, equitable, and driven by and responsive to resident input, discussion, awareness, engagement, feedback, deliberations, comment, inclusion, and opportunity on behalf of Richmond residents.

             The intent of the redistricting criteria and timeline is for a process and plan to be fair, equitable, and inclusive and to provide opportunity for public input on behalf of Richmond residents.

        Public meetings regarding the criteria and schedule include:

          Decorative graphic of a generic map.

          Public input is actively solicited, requested, encouraged, and invited

          Richmonders interested in the process are solicited, encouraged, invited, and requested to please take the opportunity to contact the Richmond City Council member that represents them for more information and/or to share their thoughts and ideas regarding redistricting.

          Richmond City Council also solicits, encourages, invites, and requests interested Richmond residents, in accordance with Virginia law, to offer, submit, suggest, and share public comments, including (but not limited to) data, questions, alternate plans, suggestions, etc., via the following helpful ways:

          • Mail: 
            Richmond City Council
            Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting
            Richmond City Hall
            900 E. Broad Street, Suite 305
            Richmond, Virginia 23219
          • Fax:
          • Email:
            Contact Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting information portal, at

          Richmond residents will continue to have numerous opportunities for public hearing, input, discussion, awareness, engagement, feedback, deliberations, and comment on the 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting process and any proposed plan or plans. 

          The intent of the redistricting process is for public participation in plan creation for reapportioning and redistricting of the local Richmond Voter Districts and be fair, inclusive and equitable and provide opportunity for public input and additional community opportunities and dates will be provided as needed.

          Community solicitation of input will be conducted.

          Find Your Richmond Voter District

          Richmond residents can use the following helpful portal, if needed, to assist in identifying their individual Richmond Voter District:

          (note: once you’ve entered your address, use the Govt. tab to identify your Voter Districts)


          Decorative graphic of a generic map.

          Current Richmond Voter District Map (2012-2021)

          Map of the 2012-2021 Richmond Voter Districts

          The current Richmond Voter Districts were reapportioned/redistricted through the Richmond City Council 2011/2012 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting Project and Council Ord. # 2011-185 (As Amended) on Nov. 28, 2011, in response to the 2010 U.S. Census. Official approval to use the Richmond Voter Districts was provided via the United States of America Department of Justice preclearance process, which was received on March 9, 2012.


          Decorative graphic of a generic map.

          Richmond Criteria for Redistricting

          The Richmond Criteria for Redistricting (Richmond City Council Resolution # 2021-R084) are in compliance with state and federal law and were developed with the assistance of the Richmond Office of the City Attorney’s redistricting consultant, Mr. Gerry Hebert, and included public input, discussion, awareness, engagement, feedback, deliberations, comment, opportunity, inclusion, and public hearings on the proposed resolution.

          1. The 2021 Council redistricting plan shall fully comply with all relevant federal and state laws with regard to the protection of voting rights.

          2. The 2021 Council redistricting plan should, to the extent feasible, avoid splits of voting precincts between the Council, School Board, state legislative and congressional election districts.

          3. The 2021 Council redistricting plan should, to the extent feasible, maximize voter convenience and the effective administration of elections.

          4. The 2021 Council redistricting plan should, wherever possible, preserve communities of interest as defined in section 24.2-304.4 of the Code of the Virginia (1950), as amended.

          5. The 2021 redistricting plan should, if possible, consolidate smaller voting precincts so that the number of registered voters in each precinct is at least the statewide average.

            Decorative graphic of a generic map.

            Redistricting News/Updates

            Please find the following news releases regarding the Richmond City Council - 2021/2022 Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting.

            Latest Redistricting News Releases

            REDISTRICTING: Reminder - Ongoing Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting public engagement process

            Comments encouraged on draft Redistricting Demonstration Map 2C



            REDISTRICTING: Reminder, Updates, and Ongoing Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting public engagement process

            Comments encouraged on draft Redistricting Demonstration Map 2C



            REDISTRICTING: Reminder, Updates, and Ongoing Richmond Decennial Voter District Redistricting public engagement process


            Comments encouraged on draft Redistricting Demonstration Map 2C